A Simple Crochet Headband/Ear Warmer Pattern

Another Freebie From The Archives

This is a picture of the project that inspired this headband/ear warmer pattern.

The egg pattern is not mine. You can find it here.

The sample above was made using I Love This Yarn acrylic, using a J hook (6mm).  I used antique white for this project.

Next time, I swear I am making a green eggs and ham version of this.

This is a very simple beginner’s project–otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to manage it myself.  The pattern below is given using American crochet terms.  

If I am unclear, message me and I will do my best to clarify things and help you.

I didn’t have the person for whom this headband was made in my possession…so Iguessed and used my own head.  I crocheted a chain stitch as long as my head is around, measuring it against where the headband would sit once it was done.  Now, I made sure that both ends touched, but just barely.  When you do this part, it might seem as if the headband will be too tight.  Once you start working stitches into the chain, you will gain a bit of ease.  This headband is a snug fit.  If you would like a looser fit, or if you have a bigger head to fit, just add some more chain stitches until you are happy.

I skipped the first stitch in the chain and began working by working a SC (single crochet) into the second stitch from the hook.  I worked a single crochet into every stitch of the row.  Turn your work.  Chain one stitch.  Work a single crochet into every stitch of the row.

Repeat that pattern for as many rows as you like.  The sample here has five rows, although I did make another, wider one for another friend that was ten rows wide.

When your headband is as wide as you would like it, finish the row, cut your yarn leaving yourself a good six inches or so for a tail, then finish off the last stitch.

Using the tail, sew the two sides of your headband together to form a circle.  I don’t use any really fancy method here.  I just try to make it look tidy.

Once you are done, weave in your tail.  Voila.  All done.

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